Matte Top Coat

Matte Top Coat

You will need:

  • Top coat (partly full, needs to have free space in the bottle)
  • Cornstarch
  • Toothpick
  • Tightly-woven sifter (for cornstarch)
  • Plastic dish (disposable)


  1. Pour the cornstarch through a sifter into a small container. You will need only a few pinches of it.
  2. Pour the cornstarch into the top coat using a paper, folding it, so as to create a small funnel.
  3. Mix the top coat using the toothpick, close the bottle and shake it.
  4. Use the top coat over any nail polish you want to check if it is matte enough for your taste. If it is not as you like it, add more cornstarch and repeat the following steps until you create the perfect top coat.


  • You can add a small bearing in the top coat after  you complete step 2. This will help you understand when the mixture is ready and perfectly blended.
  • Before using it, don't forget to shake the bottle.
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